Disruptive Technology for 21st century classroom

Any technology that displaces an established or traditional technology or any brand new product considered groundbreaking in that it create a complete new industry.
                   -Disruptive technology(DI)

Our lives have been disrupted by evolving technology:
  • PC has been disrupted by laptops/tablets and smartphones.
  • Typewriter has been disrupted by PC.
  • Letter has been disrupted by email,messages,chat rooms,social media.
STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines.It creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy and enables the next generation of innovators.

Teachers those in the STEM career education as well as traditional subjects have opportunity to engage students using disruptive technology to make learning relevant to today's lifestyle & provide them realistic &  experimental learning.

Recent statistics shows that technology plays a large part in live of students:
  • more than 50% between age of 8 to 12 have a cell phone or tablet
  • approx 38% children under the age of 2 use smartphones to watch media.
  • 51% of high school & 28% grade school students carry cell phone to school.
So, technology is already in hands of students, teachers can use it wisely to teach them.

Types of Disruptive Technology

1.Artificial Intelligence(AI)

AI has entered our daily lives like never. It can be explained as algorithms that are capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence.
Such as:
  •  visual perception
  • decision making
  • language processing
2. Augmented reality(AR)

AR involves augmenting the real physical world with visuals via computer generated sensory input such as sound,video, graphics or GPS data.
  • google glass- overlays data, 3 D objects & video
  • airline pilot helmets- displays data with pilots view
  • spatial AR- displays the object with the help of projector without special displays such as monitor or head mounted displays.
3. Blockchain

It is continuously growing list of records called blocks which are linked & secured cryptography.

4. Drones

It is also known as UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). It fly or move without on board pilot.

5. Internet of Things (IoT)

It means taking all the things in the world & connecting them to the internet. 

6. Robots

It is a machine designed to execute one or more tasks automatically with speed and precision.

7. Virtual Reality(VR)

VR is an artificial environment that is created with software & presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief & accept it as a real environment.

VR is essentially:
  • believable
  • interactive
  • computer generated
  • explorable
  • immersive
8. 3D printing

It is used to make 3 dimensional solid objects based on a digital model.

Need of DT in millennial generation

  • efficient recording and sharing of recording materials
  • personalized learning
  • automated student data management
  • efficient analytics and reporting
  • more profound progress evaluation
  • it provide the possibility to get a modern education to those people who can't learn in traditional  educational institution
  • chat based collaboration platforms improve the interaction of students
  • strengthen the students understanding
  • create learning experience linked to formal classroom, so that students can learn outside of class hours also 
Challenges in implementing DT in school

  • professional development of all the teachers to use DT is very difficult
  • need expert from the field of IT & education to develop program relevant for the children
  • system and procedures to be changed to accommodate DT
  • costly
  • resistance to change 


  1. Its 21st century and beyond ....DT is need รณf hour and a must for teaching as well as student community growth

  2. Great ! whatever maam has written about distributive technology of 21st century classroom is 100 % right . This shows is good Teacher . I will just say I don't have words , that what I should tell . ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ™‚❤

  3. Great teacher ๐Ÿ˜best indeed


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