Anchor Charts: Powerful Learning Tools

Back in time when we enter elementary classes, we see lots of charts displayed on walls, windows, doors and bulletin boards. This looks visually very attractive and grasps the interest of learners. Earlier it was believed that only in elementary classes charts can be used as a medium of teaching. But as the time has passed the notion has changed, now the teachers in higher classes also use the charts to teach the content. Teachers also involve the learners to create charts in class, so that their concept becomes clearer. Learners also draw the charts in their notebook for quick revision during the exam time. Now the charts are also used to decorate the classrooms, as the teacher uses the charts to motivate, inspire, generate interest and stay focused for the learners. Thus, the term we hear mostly in schools nowadays is anchor charts. There are many other teaching resources which are trending nowadays such as audio, video, PowerPoint presentation etc. But all these resources require smart class, which is not possible in remote areas. Anchor charts are a very new way to showcase teachers and learners' creative side and it does not require smart class. Anchor charts are very eye catching, theme based and, in some way, saves time and money.

 Concept of anchor charts:

The word anchor means any tool that retains an object in place. It provides firmness to the object. So basically, anchor charts are the tool which are used as support to the lessons and helps the learners to move towards achieving success with the lesson being taught in class. Anchor charts are used as a tool to manage the classroom and also the learners use it to self-monitor their behavior as it keeps on reminding them of their goals and routine. Anchor charts are developed during the lesson to be taught. The teacher makes strategy or plans the lesson and the anchor chart acts as a strategy tool which is written on the chart paper. When the teacher completes the lesson, the anchor chart is displayed on the wall, window or bulletin board whatever place is student friendly and where students can approach it independently.

Anchor charts act as a channel for academic support, specifically visual learners. Anchor chart can be used to decorate the class and through it teachers can tell the learners about the rules to be followed in class to motivate the learners and help in development and growth of the learners. Various anchor charts are displayed for the whole year and various are displayed for one month or one summarize assessment.

Types of anchor charts 

Procedural anchor chart: It helps in reinforcing the classroom course of action. Example       

rules: how to sit in class, rules for how to take books from the library.

Process anchor chart: It tells learners how to solve any questions, how to write a paragraph, what 

are terms used for different mathematical concepts.

    Strategy anchor chart: It gives learners the instruction what to do, when while reading they see a

 new word, how to read or pronounce it. 

Anchor chart as a boon:

      Anchor charts maximize the engagement of the learners as they are involved in creating new anchor charts.

      Anchor charts develop the interest of the learners in the subject.

      Anchor charts help the learners to be focused.

      Anchor chart benefits learners with visual spatial problems.

      Anchor charts give life to the lessons.

      Anchor charts can be used as a reference material.

      Anchor charts act as reinforcements in the classroom course of action as it tells the learners the basic rules to be followed in the smooth running of the class.

      Anchor charts are the great teaching learning material which can be stored as used as required.

      Anchor charts help in developing communication and reading skills.

      Anchor charts help in remembering the difficult terms or concept.

      Anchor charts save teachers time as she has beforehand only planned the lesson properly.

      Anchor charts avoid dullness.


How to create an anchor chart:

      In making anchor charts it doesn’t require artistic skills, just a chart paper and colors.

      First put heading at the top or center.

      Write the main points and highlight them all.

      Draw pictures as required.

      Make it simple and attractive.

      Be brief, don't overcrowd the chart.

      Leave space for learners to work also.

      After making an anchor chart one can laminate it for further use.

      One can also add QR code to it so that learners can get benefits from the anchor chart at home also.

      Learners can also make anchor charts as group work or independent work.

  Anchor chart in different pedagogy:


      Alphabet chart

      Punctuation chart

      Song chart

      Vowel chart

      Consonant chart

      Story chart

      Grammar chart

In English anchor chart acts as a great tool in the teaching learning process. Learners' concepts get clearer and their thinking skill develops. Reading aloud these charts help in developing reading skills. Teaching grammar is an area that has been frequently investigated. The most frequent problem is that grammar presentation in the textbooks is evaluated as contextualized. Course books may fail to give an authentic context that the communicative value of a grammar item can be appreciated by the learners. Textbook activities also lack the nonverbal elements of the communication like body language, mimes, gestures and emotions.


      2 D, 3 D image chart

      Mathematical operations chart

      Number chart

      Graph chart

      Word problem chart

      Formulae chart

All these charts help in developing interest in mathematics as learners find mathematics very boring and get fear from it. It helps in making the concept of different terminology clear. Mathematics is widely regarded as one of the important subjects because it shapes the mind and prepares students for pure and social sciences. For this reason, it is important that all students have opportunities and necessary support to learn mathematics in depth and with understanding. In India, mathematics is a compulsory subject up to the secondary school level. But normally we see that students have a fear towards the subject mathematics. They are unable to understand the basic concepts of Mathematics and their techniques due to various reasons. Hence, for common student’s mathematics becomes a tougher subject and consequently, they try to avoid it. Moreover, most of the mathematics teachers are not aware of alternative simple methods of teaching mathematics and different skills of solving the same problem. Therefore, there is a need to study the problems faced both by students and teachers in learning and teaching mathematics in schools.


Life cycle chart or charts related to different concepts of science. It helps in explaining the topics and concepts more clearly and makes the class interactive and interesting. Science allows students to explore their world and discover new things. Government focus on STEM education. And many educators believe so, they think science education at early stage is beneficial for the learners. Science helps the learners to develop problem solving skills. But boring lecture method will not help the learners to generate interest. Thus, anchor charts act as great help for the teachers to teach science as it develops interest and also engage and motivate them to learn.

 Social Studies:

Teachers can make a timeline of different dynasties and use it while teaching. As social study is considered a very boring subject, learners get bored as teachers use only lecture methods. Involving an anchor chart during lecture makes the class interesting and learners can also make anchor charts related to the topic after the lesson taught. This will help them in remembering the concept. 


  1. Great....anchor chart seems good interface

  2. I really like the blog on anchor really can change the whole scenario of education system specifically in early classes....great interface


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